t-Retail NDC Overview

A one-stop shop for all your Direct Channels (Web, Mobile & NDC Sales)

  • Platform Suite
    OpenJaw provides the most comprehensive and integrated travel retailing suite of platforms and products for airlines, allowing them to create and capture customer value right across the whole customer journey.

  • Next Generation Retailing
    OpenJaw provides a one-stop shop for Airlines including a next generation Retailing Platform (t-Retail) powered by an intelligent Data Platform (t-data) and an AI based Social Platform (t-Social) for conversational commerce & servicing.

  • Distribution
    OpenJaw t-Retail Platform is a fully integrated, cloudhosted and the most dynamic travel retailing platform for all B2C (web & mobile) and B2B (NDC) distribution channels.
    We help our Airline customers to accelerate and prepare for a graceful transition from the current legacy fares and PSS based world to a fully Dynamic Offer and ONE Order based Retailing world.

OpenJaw have been working together with some of the most iconic travel brands in the world, including All Nippon Airways (ANA).

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